Saturday, January 31, 2009

Funnies by Gickos

So Gickos has been way funny lately, and I just had to post a couple of the things he's said this week.
Just a little background. If there are two things he's WAY into right now is what makes girls and boys different, and our new baby on the way.
So we've been giving him short answers about gender and all that, but he's starting to ask why I have boobs and different things like that, so we explained that boys have "pee pees" and girls just have "bums." He seemed to be confused about this until we babysat a friends baby girl, and he saw me change her's all clear in his mind now.
Well Thursday when the boys were out with Grandma and Grandpa Gickos said something too funny not to share.
Grandpa was getting ready to have a shower and get cleaned up for the day (this was in the morning, I had a Dr. appointment) and Grandpa explained that Luke needed to stay out of the bathroom and let him get ready. Well after a while Grandpa heard Luke ask through the door...
Gickos: Grandpa are you a boy?
Grandpa: Yeah I"m a boy...
Gickos: I'm a boy and my Dad's a boy too, he has a pee pee, but my Mom is a girl, and she just has a bum and a big tummy.
Holy smokes I laughed so hard when Grandpa shared this story!

Well last night Olin and I went on a date, but got home early and the boys were just laying down to go to bed, so I went in to give kisses and hugs. I went up to Gickos and here's what went down...
Gickos: Mommy can I see your tummy without your shirt?
Me: Sure buddy. (I just lifted my shirt to show my skin, and Luke just started kissing my stomach and smiling and saying I love you, I love you I love you....He then looked up at me and said...
Gickos: I'm just kissing on our little baby! His face was all scrunched up and smiley.
Oh how I wish I had a nanny cam in their room so I could have that on tape. He's so fun right now...lots of work....but so so fun.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

25 Random things...nothing else to blog sorry!

1. Olin is my one and only
2. I love to stay active
3. I plan on going on a goat pack camp trip with my friend this summer
4. I love the feeling of being able to run across the park and not feel winded
5. During the summer I do something fun with my kids nearly everyday that's out of the house
6. I need to find winter hobbies besides baking goodies and eating them
7. Recently found out I'm not much of a house animal person
8. I've only been to Canada and Mexico, and a few of the western states
9. I would like to visit Norway, Sweden, New Zealand and Ireland
10. I've only been on an airplane once- on our honeymoon we went from SLC to Vegas
11. I love my chaco sandals
12. Spending time with all of my boys makes me really happy
13. I love to plan, and have plans for my plans...I also make plans to make plans.
14. I write more lists then anyone I know - not including Dallas
15. When it comes to money I'm a little uptight...or some might say WAY uptight
16. I love water sports of any kind
17. I didn't know my favorite color til I was 23
18. I've got a license to do hair, but don't really use it, just keep paying the money to keep it current.
19. I'm half way done with my 4 year degree...but I have no idea what that degree will be in
20. I hate clutter
21. My dream day would be waking up without an alarm or kids at my bedside, going four wheeling on the sand dunes, picnic for lunch on a mountain side, and end the day with an exciting kayaking run, then out for dinner at a nice restaurant...and my kids with us the whole day.
22. My dream job - having a profitable online business
23. I'm working towards a stress free, debt free, maintenance free life
24. What makes me happiest - Olin
25. What part of life is the most fun - my boys

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Fun Fun Fun

Olin's brother brought his family up this last weekend, so we went on a little sledding trip for a couple hours Saturday. The hill was perfect for the boys to sled then climb easily. Here's Kronk getting ready to go.
Scout even liked sledding, and she also likes to eat snow...she did that for along time right when we got there, then she started going down with Shawna and having a good time.

Doober was so nice! He brought up Gickos sled multiple times while we were there. He's a great cousin.

This is Gickos rolling down the hill, he was being pretty silly, but he had a fun time.

Gickos got his game face on! He was pretty serious some of the time, but he loves to sled, and he was the last one who was ready to leave.

I think this is a funny picture! Damon and Shawna are loads of fun, and on this run they hit the jump train style.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Happy Birthday Buster!

5 things I love about my 5yr old!
1. He's got a great smile, and even better laugh that infects all around him.
2. His desire for adventure and fun.

3. He's always ready for a good time and easy to be around

4. He is sweet as pie, and hardly ever gives me trouble.

5. His kisses and hugs he offers to me multiple times day.
Buster is such an awesome boy! I'm so glad he'll be a lifelong friend for me and Olin. We love him very much, and we're so excited for the things he'll do this year. He loves school and does well. He can fully navigate and his leapster without a lick of help. I love you Buster!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Baby Update

Well time seems to be ticking away pretty quickly these days. I am 33 weeks right now, so I have between 4 & 5 weeks to go...till when I hope I deliver that is.
The name poll was interesting, Jack and Gavin tied for first with 8 votes each, so I'm happy with that. Jack will most likely be the name.
I start a birthing class on Wednesday, I'm sure I'll feel completely uncomfortable and a little silly, but it's information I know I need.
I have decided to deliver this baby without medication of any kind, I was first inspired to do this when Shawna delivered Scout. She has given me lots of encouragement and books to read to prepare. My Mom of course is VERY supportive as well. I have found in my study that it's going to be better for me and the baby if I'm successful....I do however want to make a disclaimer: I will go natural if I can, but there are circumstances that may arise when I will most likely choose to have something! Just to get that out there.
Olin is home today, so we're going to move furniture around and try to find a place for the crib and all the baby stuff, which is a chore in our little house. I'm really excited for this month to pass, and I'll try my best just to ignore how slowly it will most likely go.