Saturday, January 3, 2009

Baby Update

Well time seems to be ticking away pretty quickly these days. I am 33 weeks right now, so I have between 4 & 5 weeks to go...till when I hope I deliver that is.
The name poll was interesting, Jack and Gavin tied for first with 8 votes each, so I'm happy with that. Jack will most likely be the name.
I start a birthing class on Wednesday, I'm sure I'll feel completely uncomfortable and a little silly, but it's information I know I need.
I have decided to deliver this baby without medication of any kind, I was first inspired to do this when Shawna delivered Scout. She has given me lots of encouragement and books to read to prepare. My Mom of course is VERY supportive as well. I have found in my study that it's going to be better for me and the baby if I'm successful....I do however want to make a disclaimer: I will go natural if I can, but there are circumstances that may arise when I will most likely choose to have something! Just to get that out there.
Olin is home today, so we're going to move furniture around and try to find a place for the crib and all the baby stuff, which is a chore in our little house. I'm really excited for this month to pass, and I'll try my best just to ignore how slowly it will most likely go.


  1. Yes- I voted for Jack baby. 4 weeks is going to fly by girl- make sure to get some you time with lots of rest. You know I would help you veg and kill time if I was there :) By the way- you're my hero for doing it natural. I'm contemplating it for my next one- let me know if I can handle it would ya?

  2. oh my goodness, I understand the time thing. I just passed my 37 week mark and the time just doesn't seem to be going fast enough for me. I'm excited to see your new baby!!

  3. well, I don't know what it is like with any drugs, but I know natural is the way to go. (I want to see a picture of you with your cute pregnant tummy before you have your baby!)

  4. Hi Ginger!
    Cute Blog! I saw you on Cortney and Neils blog. And I have to say I love the name Jack. Well, I'll see ya around!

  5. Both my girls have been natural and it was awesome... granted both times went very quickly. Look into Hypnobirthing -- that's what helped me. Good luck girl!

  6. I knew a girl by the name of Delsa Andreasen back in late 1950/early 1960s who lived in China Lake, California. I see from Google that an "Aunt Delsa" has been a respondent on this Blog. If this description fits your Aunt Delsa, please tell her that her girls camp friends Vicki B. and Sherry P. are trying to find her to say hello. Please respond in private.
