Thursday, March 27, 2008

recreational fun 2008

it came sweet kayak I've been waiting for!

emotion exhilarator kayak is about to rock the rivers of the Upper Falls....well after the snow melts anyway. This is a huge deal for anyone who knows me. I've been waiting to get a kayak forever it seems, and now it's here and it's beautiful! This combination of speed, sport, versatility, and fun is going to be my ticket to this years daily recreational activities. I have a couple friends who have already been out on the river dodging the ice chunks...WOO WOO for kayaking 2008!


  1. Look at the big grin! You are going to have a blast kayaking this year..... next year...etc. I like the new page. It's so springy looking!

  2. i second that. like the page.

    all i have to say is "good grief". You are one super charged girl. gotta love ya.

  3. Sweet! Oh man that looks like so much fun. You definately have to take me when we come this summer....and of course you're invited down here! Make a list of what you want to do. We can go to moad, rock jumping at Joe's reservoir, camping, rock climbing and we could go see indian art. It will be great fun! I'm going to start calling you paddler!!!
