Friday, March 28, 2008

Gickos is a junky too

Last night...we went to take the kayak to Olin's parents house, they have a shed I'm keeping it in until the snow melts. On the way we were singing the songs we sing on the river, row row row you boat and songs like that. When we got there I gave the boys instructions to stay in the truck because we weren't staying for a visit...well, when Gickos saw me get the kayak out of the truck HE FLIPPED OUT! He started crying and screaming...I thought it was because he couldn't go in to grandmas, but when I got back in the truck after putting the kayak in the shed he looked at me and yelled..."THAT'S MINE ORANGE KAYAK...WE HAVE TO GET IT BACK AT GRANDMAS!" It was the cutest tantrum I've ever seen, it melted my little heart.


  1. guess you'll have to buy a two-seater? Or is it anyway-shows how much i know about kyaking...

  2. Hey, you have the cutest little boys! I will definitly be around for the reunion in May, let me know if you want some help. We move into our house May 8th.

  3. I'm still mad I don't have one... I wish I could just throw a tantrum like Luke to get one. Huh, maybe Scott would go for that? Manipulation... here we come. :)
