Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Six thing you probably didn't know

Hey thanks for tuning into Momselot Land.
1. When I was 7 my family took a vacation to Tucson AZ. which turned out to be my only family vacation, to speak of. We went swimming at a local pool for 25 cents, and bought gum for 10 cents. We went across the border to Mexico and my Dad gave me $100 to spend on whatever I wanted, well it turns out I came home with $76 because I couldn't find the guy who was selling monkeys. So all I got was a gray and pink blanket (which I still have). So I put the rest of my money in the bank when I got back, and to this day I have a hard time believing that my Dad wasn't taking me in circles to avoid the chance of running into the guy selling the monkeys. I really really wanted one though.

2. When I was 10yrs my oldest brother raised goats, and for some reason I got stuck milking and feeding them for nothing, so I got the brilliant idea that I would confront him about the arrangements that had evolved. He pretty much explained to me (without coming straight out and saying it) that he was entitled to having us younger brothers and sisters work for him for free because of birthright or something like that. Well, don't think that I settled for nothing, after about 20 minutes of debate he decided to pay me, but not with money…that wasn't good enough at this point, after all I worked for him for two years before I got smart, so we settled on one of legos he had in his collection that I'd been drooling over. I was so happy I got it, and all my siblings were jealous, but looking back I realized that was my lowest paying job I'd ever had. The lego was worth about $5.

3. I didn't know that boys went through puberty until I was about 12 when my friends were talking about the boys they liked, and how their voices would squeak sometimes when they'd get excited about something. I'd noticed this too, but I didn't realize it was in relation to puberty, so they went into detail as to what happens to boys when they hit that "certain age".
4. I have five major scares on my head alone (I know, call me Gickos!). One was from when I was about a year old I fell off a bar stool and hit my cheek on the corner of the bar…that's how I got my dimple.
I have another one just above my left eyebrow from a gliding teeter-totter, my brother was going way to high for me and I fell off and the foot peg on the glider came back and hit me in the head. The third, fourth, and fifth ones are hidden by hair, and all three were from the same brother! One is from when I was about two he got mad at me and hit me in the head with a garden hoe, another one is from when he was cursing and throwing rocks at goats for eating his rabbit food, and he accidentally hit me with a rock instead of the goat. And the last was when we were cleaning out a dump truck in the spring time. We had picked rock out of the field the previous fall and never dumped it so the rock and dirt was solid in the truck, so my Dad slightly set the truck bed to dump so the rocks would just roll out on the ground after we pried them loose, well needless to say I happened to be below Jordan in the truck so when he pried that huge rock loose it came tumbling down on my head. I never got stitches though, my hair was strong enough that my Mom just tied my hair in little knots and it held the skin together until it healed. Crazy huh!

5. I didn't know what my favorite colors were until I was 23 (it's a toss up between sprite green & orange), Olin would ask and ask, and I just couldn't decide. I also have never known really what I like to do (besides work). I didn't really get the chance to develop hobbies as a child, so I continue to seek out new things all the time.
6. When I eat at restaurants I always order the same thing, and I always choose to NOT go somewhere new. At Texas Road House I always get chicken strips, at Wingers I always get chicken strips, and everywhere else I always try to get chicken strips….fried chicken is my favorite food by far.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Jing,
    So glad you posted. Love the stories, here I thought Jordan was such a good boy...

  3. Love your stories! I can't believe your dad gave you $100 to spend as a kid. what a nice dad.
    I was ripped off on chores as a kid too. I hand watered many, many trees on our huge property in 120 degree weather for a dollar a week!
