Tuesday, October 7, 2008

My Quirks

Tagged by Dallas

Here are the rules:
Link the Person who Tagged you.
Mention rules on your blog.
Tell about 6 quirks of yours.
Tag 6 fellow bloggers to do the same.
Leave a comment to let them know.

My Quirks:

1. I have to have a clean car...vacuumed, polished, and kid-crust free. In fact it's gotten a little out of control, without realizing it I've made comments to some close friends about this little "quirk" I have and now the word is out! No one gets into my car without noticing if it's clean or not, and it's even worse when I get in their car...."oh sorry, does all this DIRT make you uncomfortable?" SO embarrassing!

2. Like my good friend Dallas...I plan time to make my plans. I have to have my day set out in my head when I wake up, with only little flexibility. I plan almost everything, fun, eating, blog reading time, showering, and working out. The result of a day unplanned or having to make major adjustments is never catastrophic, but I do get grumpy sometimes. I have become much more laid back about this since marrying Olin....who in his perfect world there would be no plans (which is something I love about him), so therefore it's caused me to adjust and be more flexible. Although I wouldn't really call myself flexible at this point (if we're speaking honestly here) but I would say maybe..."slightly" bendable.

3. After I hit adulthood and began having my own little family, I've noticed that I have a few "must haves" and "won't live with outs", these I have realize come from maybe when I was a child not getting enough of or wishing I had more of these things. I will share a few....
1. Clean, white socks- the funny thing is I only care that my children have them
2. Sweets- I love having treats in the house, I love something sweet around 3pm everyday, even if its a bite-sized candy bar or small scoop of ice cream.
3. I like to have something fun to do everyday, I don't like going through the day with only work on the agenda.
4. Nice lotions and creams- this is actually a recent discovery. Olin brought me home a sweet little bundle of gifts and it included some if these.

4. I indulge in a TV episode during nap time. I like to do this, and the bad thing is I haven't figured out why. I like a large variety of shows, and sometimes I'll just get on youtube and watch dumb stuff for 30 minutes. This is just something that I can look forward to on those hard days I guess. (this is usually when I'd have my treat)

5. I spend WAY too much time on the phone. Coming from a family of 12 children, and being a social person, I guess it's something I like to do. Luckily on our plan we have free minutes to 10 people.....all of which get used. In a typical month my phone will have between 2000-3000 minutes and 200 texts. I once had 1000 texts...oops! This is really something I've worked on lately, my last bill I only had 1500 minutes....progress.

6. I only like to shower every other day. This really grosses people out for some reason, but it wouldn't if they had dry skin like I do. My hair gets literally crispy when I shower everyday, and my face starts to flake...I know, it's so dang nasty. So every other day is how I roll (unless of coarse I get stinky from working out or by doing something fun, that never holds me back from showering everyday...don't worry)


  1. Jinger! I love reading about your "quirks"! You are such a funny, sweet girl!! I have so many great memories with you, Jill and the rest of your family growing up. Truly amazing people!!

  2. We are both so 'Quirky'! Ha Ha. It's nice to know that we're normal right? I think you'd call us normal.......I missed you and can't wait to hear about the sex of your baby on Thursday- it's on my calendar!

  3. Jinger-
    Great "quirks"! I share the same love for something sweet. It sounds like you have been very busy " building a fence." That doesn't sound lazy at all. Looking forward to see what you are having.

  4. ha ha nothing wromg with taking a shower every other day. I do the same thing!!! My problem though, is my skin gets itchy ( I guess cause it gets dry?) and my hair gets oilier quicker, it's nasty :(
