Saturday, August 15, 2009

July 2009

July was a pretty eventful month, but we didn't get much playing in. The sandbar was the favorite of course, and we ended up there several days a week.
Buster loves to build sandcastles, so he cleans off this little pad that's perfect for his little creations that end up being demolished soon after construction.

Taloopidoo loves the sandbar as much as anyone. He doesn't mind the cold water at all, in fact he's been in when the temperature was below 60 degrees and he wasn't bothered by it. He's all about a good time just like the rest of us.

Buster has become a little river rat, he's always the first one in up to his chin, and rarely takes his life jacket off, he thinks he's a pretty good swimmer!

Gickos has started to embrace his life jacket this summer, but he still doesn't like it that much. He just likes to take off the jacket and dive in like a fish without it pulling him to the top, which is opposite of what Buster likes...he's always afraid to get his face wet. Gickos is no pansy in the cold water either, he jumps right in.

I know...what I'm a teaching my child right? Well we were teaching him how you can take each others nose by pinching it between the pointer and the middle finger then sticking your thumb between them as you pull all know, well in stead of the thumb being the nose he got a little confused. This is completely innocent...and that's why it's so funny!

Olin and I have gotten completely into "Chopped" a food network show, and it's sparked some interest in the kitchen...Olin now cooks like 3 - 5 times a week! And HOT DAMN he's a great cook! Way better than me, even though I've been cooking since I was like 8 years old. We play "chopped" sometimes with mystery ingredients and's fun stuff.


  1. Benjamin and I love that show too! Benj cooks all the time now, too.

  2. ha ha ha oh gickos, that's hilarious!!! And as you stated, even funnier because he didn't realize!
