Tuesday, May 20, 2008

dirty feet...

Gickos loves the bath...and the bath loves him! He gets so dirty, the dirt gets caked on his feet inside his sandals, and it doesn't come off unless soaked in a warm bath. He plays outside from sun up to sun down without rest, he would be out digging and working all day if I could keep him busy. Grandpa A. is good to let him work when he visits, and will always let him in on the action. Gickos is my busy body, and I absolutely love it and hate it all at once. I need to get that boy out to the farm, it's where those dirty feet belong.


  1. Ha Ha! That's exactly what my kids' feet look like EVERY night.

  2. He is a busy body! It's nice you don't have to worry about forcing him outside, he just naturally loves it! Love those dirty little toes!
