Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Roastin' Shmarr-lellows

Oh- Gickos and Buster LOVE fire, and marshmallows, sticks, and everything that comes with a fire pit.

This is serious business!
Stuff it in there boy!
Yum Yum Yum!
AH-OH sticky hands Ahrr...this looks like a good one!

Just a little taste of really fun things to come....


  1. I love your pictures. It looks like you guys had fun. Is this in your back yard? I'm excited for camping trips this summer. I can't imagine what life is going to be like without Dustin in school. How exciting!

  2. Their facial expressions kill me! Hey, and there's no snow on your grass! Hurray!

  3. your kids are so stinkin cute. How's Idaho? Warming up yet?
