Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Gickos big day

Today Gickos went into the surgery center to get some dental work done today, we decided to have him put under due to his "white coat phobia." So last night his Grandma gave him $3 to spend at the dollar store before his big day, and he chose play dough....yay for big messes.
Messes or not look at that adorable smile. He LOVES his play dough set, so it's worth the clean up! He looks much happier here then he does now...believe me.


  1. i hope luke did okay! the cookie picture is making me hungry!

  2. We went through the same thing with Caleb. Better than having him strapped down while the dentist drills away! It's spendy but well worth it. Hope he's doing o.k.!

  3. Oh man, poor little guy. Hopefully he's feeling better today. Hooray for playdough. I love it when little tiny pieces dry as hard as a rock and imbed into your carpent and then stab you in the foot when you walk over it :)

  4. I hope you're all doing better!

  5. Oh man that sucks! I hope the poor guy is doing better. How about you? Maybe they should give us all some laughing gas before they tell us how much they just overcharged us for fixing some baby teeth!
