Daddy's Boy
Author: Patsy Gaut
My little eyes are watching, my ears are listening too.
Author: Patsy Gaut
My little eyes are watching, my ears are listening too.
They take in everything that you say and do.
My little hands are eager to do the things you do.
I'm hoping and I'm dreaming I'll grow up just like you.
I am just a little guy who knows that you are wise
You'll teach me what I need for someone just my size.
I'm a bright eyed little fellow who is watching what you do
And I'm waiting for the day I'll be grown up just like you.
Congratulations! That it so exciting. You are going to be very outnumbered. At least you won't go through that much toilet paper. :) We are excited for you!
ReplyDeleteGosh dang it! This doesn't give me much hope for a girl. Everyone I know who has two boys always ends up with a third. I'm teasing of course, I love my boys, but I could use a bit more pink in my life.
ReplyDeleteCongrats though! At this point, what's another boy?!?! Just throw it on the pile you've already got. LOL!
Jing, I'm so happy for you guys. You are such a good "boy mom" that it only makes sense that you get to have THREE boys! I mean honestly, how many moms take thier little boys kyaking and all that fun stuff all summer long?
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to see you! All I have is a weekend, Monday and Tuesday... then its on the plane to see you!
Yay for boys! You're the most fun 'boy' mom I know- so this kid has got it made :) Congrats Jing.