Gickos was frosting his cookies and he got some frosting in a little cut he had, so he was a little sad. I was trying to explain to the boys the meaning behind Valentines Day, and after I explained "it's for having a party, and giving special cookies, and gifts to people that we love." Gickos who do you want to give your cookies to? His reply: "My Gamma" Buster simply decided to eat his, I guess he didn't have anyone in mind this year. After we were all done, and we had a nice variety, we chose the four best and took them to the boys' favorite people...gamma and gampa. Although Granny and Pappy hold a very special place in their hearts as well.
those are some cute cookies. :) Your boys are just so dang good lookin'. Before long you won't have to make any cookies at all, the girls will be piling them on the door step. :)
those are some cute cookies. :) Your boys are just so dang good lookin'. Before long you won't have to make any cookies at all, the girls will be piling them on the door step. :)