We arrived to the farm near sundown, and the view was breathtaking. The temperature was perfect for exploring and enjoying our time with Granny while she was doing evening chores.

Taloopi's favorite thing to do next to eating Icecream is feeding the chickens and gathering eggs. He thinks it is SO SO funny to watch the chickens walk around pecking the ground, and the noises they make. Granny is the best! She loves to help Taloopi experience EVERYTHING as she does it.

This concerning look was Taloopi's impression of the messy food area where the chickens eat....he thought the food on the ground was pretty nasty! Kinda funny considering I have to remind him not to eat food he finds in less than sanitary places.

Pappy's sweet corn was ripe and perfect for picking!...so we picked some!
Granny escorted us to the field not far from the house to pick as much as we like, and Taloopi LOVED IT! I'm beginning to think he's a farmer at heart!....that gives me the warm and fuzzies.

This road...I mean dirt road?...I mean grass road?...yeah we'll go with grass road....is where I walk all growing up to move irrigation pipe twice a day. Our farm was kind of split into two sections, and this was the section I typically spent my time working on....I think it's because my brothers always wanted to ride motorcycles and four wheelers, and therefore I found myself walking!...I've got the the nicest legs out of everyone, so who's laughing now??? HA!