We blessed Taloopidoo the week before general conference, and it was such a nice day. I have issues with baby blessings in that although I love throwing parties...I don't usually feel like it when it's time to bless the baby, so I didn't invite anyone, we just did it unannounced, and it was perfect!

Buster and Gickos are totally in love with their little brother. They kind of treat him like an interactive toy, wondering how he'll respond with different stimuli.

Did I mention that 4 & 5 year olds are big goofs? Gickos got these teeth for a prize at our local Easter egg hunt, and they both think they're pretty dang funny.

Gickos: "Like my Rock Star hair"


Our friends got some pack goats, and Matt (who is in the picture) made a little kids saddle, so they're 3 year old daughter could ride the goat during long pack trips. They invited Buster and Gickos out for a ride, and they obviously loved it.

The goats have like a 55lbs weight limit they can carry, and the poor goat layed down like 3 times during Gickos ride...he can't help if he's a "sturdy" boy.

Me and Taloopidoo, and my friend Yvonne with her daughter Violet, our babies are 2 months apart.

For Mother's Day we took a day trip up to Mesa Falls for a picnic with Eric and Nikki's family. We had a great time, and Olin got some really good shots.

Taloopidoo riding in the snugly.

Our family Spring 2009

Oh the beautiful Mesa Falls!

After Mesa Falls we went back to Grandma's for a big birthday party for me, Mason (my nephew), Gickos, Emily (my niece) and mothers day. it was such a great day!

Here is Gickos beating up on me while I'm trying to relax...pretty normal. He's funny, this is how I know he loves me.

Grandma got him a little iron man shirt.....THAT IS AWESOME! especially if you ask the guy who's wearing it.

Pose for a pic.

It's crazy to think this little buy is 4! He is has such a great big personality, he's full of fun and adventure. Everyday we have such a good time, he's got us laughing constantly, and keeps us on our toes.

Well our house sold, but little did we know our buyers got federal financing, so our house had to meet some qualifications before they're loan could go through. One of those happens to be egress windows in each bedroom that is located in a basement. We got the news last Wednesday about 10am, and by 11am I was digging 5ft x 4ft wholes next to our foundation. Luckily we had some of Olin's friends show up and relieve us after a couple hours. Mike was our contractor, and he showed up right away and went to work.

This is Emily and David - Mikes family and our friends.

Here is Mike cutting the first window the a cement saw, yeah- see all that dust....most of it went into my house! We didn't follow Mike's advice to put up a plastic wall because we were just too impatient...well little did we know how huge the mess would be!

This is the inside of our bedroom after he was done cutting with the cement saw.

And here we are starting on the second window it the boys room, Mike had cut the cement at this point, but Olin and i were just getting ready to start using the sledge hammer to knock out the the window area.

Just trying to lighten the mood with a little goofing off.

This was after Olin and I had sledge hammered for like 2 hours, that thing was SO solid...for some reason I don't think cement is suppose to be removed....it seems like a pretty permanent material.

We once again friends save the day, Mike got a jack hammer, and we called our good friend Kurt who came and helped get it done on time. We finished the windows by Thursday night....and I don't think I was recovered until about Thursday night of the next week. Cement is not made to be be broken and removed just like women aren't made to use an 8lbs sledge ham mar.
Well that pretty much puts you all up to date. Our house that we're selling will close Wednesday of this week, and the one we're buy will close around the 5Th of June, so we're moving our stuff in to a large snowmobile trailer (provided by Neil and Cortney) for a week or two while we live with Olin's parents until our new house closes. This will probably be my last post until we're at least in with his parents if not in our new house. Can't we just fast forward to the middle of June? After I'm settled in the cute new house?