Well, just like the rest of eastern idaho we're sick with the yuck that's going around....and some that isn't "going around".
Buster has got a cold, runny nose, and a little cough.
Gickos has had a cold his entire life, but today he threw up and is coughing like a mad man.
Taloopydoo is coughing and has a yucky nose, he also acts like his throat hurts.
I've got UTI, sore throat, and ear infection and a bad case of no sleep.
I think I might run away to my Mom's house so she can spoil me some more.
It's a pitty party....so share your story with me.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Friday, February 13, 2009
All about Baby
As most of you know I had a rough week last week, and with all the stress and fear of delivering C-section and the risks involved in that, and also the fear of loosing the baby all together had me in a huge stressful mess. Well I pretty much let go of the thought of delivering without medication when I found out he was breech, and I was counting on a c-section. My Doctor advised me to go to the hospital when my contractions were 10 minutes apart or if my water broke, so Sunday Carl drove me to the hospital around 6pm just to get things checked out. I had been laboring (at least that's what I thought it was) since about 4pm Saturday afternoon, and it wasn't letting up, so we went in. I told the nurse why I was there and the whole story and she started poking around on my tummy. She got an ultrasound machine and checked the baby...and he'd flipped back down head first! This was such good news, it almost freaked me out a little because I was just getting comfortable with the idea of a c-section and now that was questionable. So Dr. Allred came in and we decided that because the baby turned on his own that there was a small chance we would actually have trouble with the cord around his neck (which we saw the Thursday before in the ultrasound that diagnosed him breech) so I decided to try to go vaginally, and if a c-section was required then we'd deal with that when it came.
They admitted me around 8pm and got me in a room, started my IV, and started the pit. Because i was only dilated to around 1.5 I had to go on pit without an epidural until I was 3-4cm. Well after a long night and being checked every 3-4 hours I was finally given the epidural around 10am Monday morning...yeah do the math that's 13 hours of pit (on 20ml/hr-which is the highest they like to do with women with an epidural) to put it lightly- it was intense. So after the epidural I wasn't feeling so bad, I got in a few little naps throughout the day and finally around 6pm they checked me again...I was only a 6.5-7ish and things were going slowly. At this point the babies heart rate was slowing and becoming more and more abnormal, and I was getting tired, hungry and very nervous....surely I wasn't going through this only to have it end in c-section! Well after the Doctor left I looked at Olin, who was feeling like crap, he had strep throat and preparing for a business trip the next day. He asked me if I'd like a blessing...of course I did. His blessing gave me hope and comfort and many sweet blessing, but in the middle of the blessing he paused for few seconds, and then he commanded my body to release the baby...just as soon as he said amen I felt the baby literally "hit" my pelvic floor. I dilated to a 10 in literally like 10 minutes and he was born at 6:50pm. We had to wait for the Doctor because he'd just left the hospital, and I just about tore the place apart, that was by far the most difficult part. He came out in only 3 pushes, and I only had one stitch YAY! He came out and immediately peed on the doctor then when he was being cleaned up pooped for the nurse, so we knew the plumbing was working well from the beginning. He weighed 6lbs 13oz and was 19" long and his head was kind of big, but he's perfect. I feel so close to him, and I'm enjoying him so much. The breastfeeding is going well....for the first time, and he's seems to be really healthy. I guess the emotion I feel the strongest and most often is gratitude, I'm thankful for the priesthood and having a husband with such a strong testimony and who is worthy to hold it. It was a very special experience for me and Olin, and our family is bless to have this little guy.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Meet Our New Baby Boy
Weight: 6lbs 13oz
Height: 19"
He was born Monday night at 6:50pm *No C-section required!!!!*
We are so happy to have him here healthy, and I'll share the whole story tomorrow hopefully.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Baby Update

Being breech makes for some really crazy decisions! I really didn't understand or take in to account that this could happen to me, so therefore it was a blow when they told me all the risks involved in delivering vaginally. Because the little guy has the cord around his neck, and possibly around his torso, we have decided to go with a c-section. It makes me sad in SO many ways, but really I'm just grateful I found out before I actually went into labor. I have changed care providers and Dr. Allred will be my surgeon.
The c-section freaks me out a bit considering the closest thing to surgery I've experienced is dental work.
Anyway just keep us all in your prayers this week, we're hoping the baby comes before Tuesday or after Thursday because Olin has to be out of town for work....yeah I know it's funny what curve balls are thrown at you from time to time. We're all doing well, and I hope the next post we have is full of lovely photos of our new little boy. Peace out and we'll chat at you after D-day.
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