Just a little background. If there are two things he's WAY into right now is what makes girls and boys different, and our new baby on the way.
So we've been giving him short answers about gender and all that, but he's starting to ask specifics...like why I have boobs and different things like that, so we explained that boys have "pee pees" and girls just have "bums." He seemed to be confused about this until we babysat a friends baby girl, and he saw me change her diaper...it's all clear in his mind now.
Well Thursday when the boys were out with Grandma and Grandpa Gickos said something too funny not to share.
Grandpa was getting ready to have a shower and get cleaned up for the day (this was in the morning, I had a Dr. appointment) and Grandpa explained that Luke needed to stay out of the bathroom and let him get ready. Well after a while Grandpa heard Luke ask through the door...
Gickos: Grandpa are you a boy?
Grandpa: Yeah I"m a boy...
Gickos: I'm a boy and my Dad's a boy too, he has a pee pee, but my Mom is a girl, and she just has a bum and a big tummy.
Holy smokes I laughed so hard when Grandpa shared this story!
Well last night Olin and I went on a date, but got home early and the boys were just laying down to go to bed, so I went in to give kisses and hugs. I went up to Gickos and here's what went down...
Gickos: Mommy can I see your tummy without your shirt?
Me: Sure buddy. (I just lifted my shirt to show my skin, and Luke just started kissing my stomach and smiling and saying I love you, I love you I love you....He then looked up at me and said...
Gickos: I'm just kissing on our little baby! His face was all scrunched up and smiley.
Oh how I wish I had a nanny cam in their room so I could have that on tape. He's so fun right now...lots of work....but so so fun.