Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Tagged in 8s

8 TV shows I watch:
The Office
Private Practice
Greys Anatomy (kind of lost interest lately-no homo for me)
Prison Break
Desperate Housewives (but only when I'm "desperate" for entertainment)
8 Things that happened to me Yesterday
Taught Gickos preschool
Got caught up in good conversation with Mandie and Yvonne
Received Gickos and Buster's Chacos in the mail (which are so cute - $14 on Amazon right now)
My visiting teachers came by
Looked over my food storage list
Prepared to order stuff online for emergency kits
Shopped for Christmas gifts online
Put the boys to bed a little early
8 Favorite Places to Eat:
Texas Roadhouse
Big Judds
Bajio Grill
Taco Time
8 Things I'm looking forward to:
Having the baby
Black Friday sales
Receiving Christmas cards
Making Christmas candy
The first snowman of the season
Thanksgiving (mostly having Damon's family here)
Spending our first Christmas at our own house
Wrapping gifts
8 Things on my wish list:
My hair blog all the sudden making 5k/mo
New mountain bike
Wet suit (one that would work well for Triathalons and kayaking)
Life vest for kayaking
Cross-Counrty skis
New running shoes
Plans for climbing the Grand Teton Mountain
Hips that would allow me to use all these things

Monday, November 3, 2008

Underboy-Nacho duo

Buster and Gickos chose their costumes this year, and naturally they were so funny when they pulled those little capes and stretchy pants on.
Buster chose to be Underboy...well Underdog actually...but he explained he wasn't a naturally Underboy it was.
Gickos seemed to know what he wanted to be from the beginning, he loves Nacho, but he would not wear his mask...which was fine considering I spend like 3 days making his costume last year and he wouldn't even try it on. We had a great time this year, the boys were a blast, and I'll post Olin's costume soon.